After months of projects, ideas and plans, finally the Recoil 'Selected' Tour takes shape.
Here I am in Madrid, hot Spanish city with gaudy colours and swarming streets ...even the coldness of the surgical green of 'Selected' get warmer with the hearty welcome of Madrilenian audience at Sala Macumba...
The show is a real mistery...actually nobody knows how a Recoil performance could be... but the expectation to see Alan back on stage is high... maybe we wait more than his experimental music can give live... maybe his presence at Royal Albert Hall fuelled the hopes of fans for a real live performance ... but Recoil is not and cannot be this... there’s that ‘thin line’ that divides a common and, let’s say, dull concert to that sound and visual trip that Alan wanted to propose to bring his project under the spotlights.
Those present got this difference right and remained attentive and curious during this journey from the beginning to the end...
Alan & PK (Paul Kendall, his historical co-worker) are positioned behind their consolle of tools where two Mac stand out. Both, with the headphones on, mix the sound effects the more congenial on the new versions of Recoil tracks ... 75 minutes where the screen on stage steals the scene to Wilder and PK placed at the right side of it so not to disturb the vision and to frame the sound trip offered. The projected videos are a mix of films, real and abstract, sane and tormented, pulses of colours with dark atmospheres shuffled at the bpm pace ...
All is cutted and sewed together in a perfect way... surgically like the cold green of ‘Selected’...
Agro Mix of Never Let Me Down Again by Depeche Mode is slotted in and this warms up the hearts of band’s fan, but it dissolves soon to come back to Recoil...
So, here it is the sound of a touch-tone telephone ...it’s the start of ‘Stalker’ and Douglas McCarthy comes up on stage and with his vicious and deep voice leads the audience to a real delirium... The performance is simply perfect, Nitzer Ebb’s frontman has given a surplus value to the already faultless show...the track slowly fades to mix with ‘Faith Healer’, first contribution of Mc Carthy in Alan’s project...
Douglas is swallowed by the darkness of the stage while ‘Shunt’ is already mixed and ready to inject the beats of the cracking pace... Not long now... the Strange Hour with Alan Wilder & PK comes to its end, leaving the audience the excitement of an experimental trip never tried before...
translation by A.S.
Photos and videos coming soon